Hostel Life
March 19, 2022 2022-05-18 5:12Hostel Life
KC Public Schhol
A Day in Life of KCPS Hostellers
A typical working day commences at around 5:30 a.m. with line up followed by P.T./Yoga for 30 minutes. The students then wash, change and attend a period of study before breakfast. Breakfast is followed by “Assembly” in the School Hall.
The morning hours, before leaving for regular classes, are spent in the Prep room studying. The House-master and House-mistress help in supervision and assist the students in their respective subjects of study.
Five periods of study with a half-hour recess in-between for mid-morning snacks, completes the daily classroom timetable. Lunch is followed by compulsory rest hour, during which boys/girls must be on their beds with shoes off, either resting or reading. In the extreme summer rest hour is extended to two and a half-hours.

Post – lunch time is usually devoted to practice sessions for various speech and performance related activities, attending talks and career-counseling sessions, remedial classes, inter-school and inter-house competitions.
There are extra classes in the evenings which focus on certain problem areas in specific subjects.
To inculcate a sense of responsibility, the students are assigned small tasks such as keeping cleanliness, discipline, punctuality and care of laundry work. They also help the matron in accounting for the work at the end of the month, counseling, and monitoring the progress of the children. Making the beds, tidying up tables, folding blankets are the tasks of the children. Outstanding students are rewarded for their contribution.
All students must play games of their choice everyday, followed by a bath. Supper is at 7:30 p.m. followed by an hour for homework when boys/girls spend time in their Prep rooms. Lights out for juniors is at 9:00 p.m. while it is 9:30 p.m. for senior students.
Keeping in mind the weather conditions, the hostels follow different timings for summer and winter